
Garden delights and wonderfully, delightfully scented natural landscapes full of wild herbs – a journey through the blossoming world of Eastern Styria, Thermen- & Vulkanland, Southern Styria and Graz Region awaits you with the GenussCard.

Nature and garden

The most beautiful gardens and natural landscapes of the GenussCard region open their garden gates for you with the card. The gardeners invite you to discover the colorful world of plants and the lovingly designed gardens with all your senses.

Garden paradise

Explore the world’s largest free-hanging stalactite and the power of water in the Lurgrotten caves and immerse yourself in a colorful sea of blooms in the show gardens. Lovingly and intricately designed flower and plant beds provide an insight into the extraordinary botanical diversity of medicinal herbs, trees, shrubs, and more. Stroll through the gardens with the GenussCard in hand and enjoy the nature of the region. It’s time to let your soul rest and recharge your energy

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